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Iraltone Forte 60 capsules 60 capsules

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Dietary supplement for hair: regenerates the hair, preventing premature aging and its fall. 0 includes capsules.


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Regular Price: £34.23


Content Price: 2.51€/10ml


Content Price: 2.51€/10ml


Dietary supplement for hair with a formula based on the cistion range of innovative, intelligent combination that restores the hair, preventing premature aging and its fall.

It is recommended for people with fine, straight hair without volume, dull and / or with a sharp cooling during physiological state that require more nutrients (stress, Excessive physical or mental), slimming diets or people with malnutrition, and also as an adjunct to pharmacological treatments for baldness.

0 includes capsules.

Technical description

L-cistina. Zinc (sulfato de zinc). L-glutatión. Cobre (gluconato cúprico). Estearato de magnesio (antiaglomerante). Ácido pantoténico (D-pantotenato cálcico). Vitamina B6 (piridoxina clorhidrato). Cápsula: agente de recubrimiento (gelatina). Colorante (dióxido de titanio [E-171]).

Pharmaceutical review

Los complementos alimenticios no son sustitutivos de una dieta sana y equilibrada ni de un estilo de vida saludable.

Mode of use

En el tratamiento coadyuvante de la alopecia androgenética se recomiendan 2 capsulas al día.

En procesos no patológicos 1 cápsula.

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