Moisturizer for use in vaginal dryness and painful intercourse.
Employment :
1) remove the CAP at the end of the cannula. (2) in a horizontal position, enter the total length of the cannula into the vagina. (3) tighten the container to completely empty their contents and remove it gently while pressing on your walls. (4) remain in the same position for 2 to 3 minutes. (5) discard the pod. (6) applying a single dose (6ml) 3 times per week, on alternate days, preferably before going to bed.
Warning :
If after the application you experience vaginal irritation, discontinue its use and if symptoms persist consult your gynecologist.
Consejo técnico
Se dopo l'applicazione si avverte irritazione vaginale o qualsiasi altro tipo di fastidio, interrompere l'uso e consultare il proprio ginecologo.
Non utilizzare questo prodotto durante la gravidanza o durante il periodo postpartum. Non usare nelle ragazze sotto i 15 anni di età.
Non utilizzare se si è allergici a uno qualsiasi dei suoi ingredienti.
Non contiene spermicidi e quindi non può prevenire gravidanze indesiderate.
Habiendo probado varias marcas , esta ha sido la única dónde el grado de confort de los tejidos en lo personal y las sensaciones en las relaciones amorosas han sido muy gratificante para ambos. También después de las relaciones no he tenido ningún escozor
En Andalucía no se encuentra
Notas un bienestar al instante, desde la primera vez que lo usas. El precio comparado con otros esta bastante conseguido. Isdin Intim Vaginal Moisturizer x6ml<p><b>Woman Isdin Intim Vaginal Moisturizer x6ml</b><br><br> Moisturizer for use in vaginal dryness and painful intercourse.<br><br> <b>Employment</b> :<br><br> 1) remove the CAP at the end of the cannula.<br> (2) in a horizontal position, enter the total length of the cannula into the vagina.<br> (3) tighten the container to completely empty their contents and remove it gently while pressing on your walls.<br> (4) remain in the same position for 2 to 3 minutes.<br> (5) discard the pod.<br> (6) applying a single dose (6ml) 3 times per week, on alternate days, preferably before going to bed.<br><br> <b>Warning</b> :<br><br> If after the application you experience vaginal irritation, discontinue its use and if symptoms persist consult your gynecologist.</p>,width:250,height:25024.99instock24.9920.65289156198300Isdin Prices/Health and Hygiene/Health and Hygiene/Women’s Health/Health and Hygiene/Vaginal Dryness/No VAT Days 21%/Mifarma Days NO/Mifarma Days2024-09-16T05:46:12+0000