Tenia un problema de descamación y granitos en el cuero cabelludo que además me producía picor y escozor, decidí ir al dermatólogo por que llevaba mas de seis meses sufriéndolo y este me recetó Triconails Champú Tratamiento Anticaspa. a los dos lavados ya noté mejoría y sigo con el por recomedacion del Dr. Muy contenta, es caro pero compensa, además deja el pelo muy bien, suelto y brillante. Lo recomiendo para problemas de seborrea o caspa.
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https://www.mifarma.co.uk/triconails-shampoo-dandruff-250-ml318002101903Triconails shampoo dandruff 250 ml<p><b>Triconails shampoo dandruff 250 ml</b></p><p> East <a href= https://www.mifarma.co.uk/comprar-por/cosmeclinik >Cosmeclinik</a> shampoo is specially designed to provide a reducing action of dandruff.</p><p> <span style= font-size: px; >It eliminates the peeling.</span></p><p> <span style= font-size: px; >Clean the hair and scalp gently.</span></p><p> Adds softness, shine and manageability to hair, very compatible with surfactants and also do not produce irritation.</p><p> <span style= font-size: px; >Preserved with a mixture of parabens and phenoxyethanol.</span></p><p> pH = 5.2.</p><p> <span style= font-size: px; >Triconails anti-dandruff shampoo, is indicated in cases of dandruff, oily dandruff and scalp scaly States.</span></p><p> <strong style= font-size: px; >How to use</strong><p> <p> apply a small amount of the product on damp hair.<p> <p> exert a gentle massage until foam and rinse.</p> <p> a second application.<p> leave for 2-3 minutes and finally rinse with plenty of water.</p> <p><p><p></p><p>https://assets.atida.com/transform/727a909a-f23e-4f55-ade4-03b3f93f5bb5/Triconails-Champu-Anticaspa-250-ml?io=transform:extend,width:250,height:25028.99instock31.9823.9586766859592.99CosmeClinikhttps://www.mifarma.co.uk/media/catalog/product/b/1/6/0/b160a9963bfaf9aeca674716d5d968f99c0c1a93_Product_Tile_Thumbnail_Triconails_Champu_Anticaspa_250_ml.png/20% Atida Cash/Treatment/Special Promotion/Black Friday/Up to 70% off during Black Friday/cyber_monday_pt_int/No VAT Days 21%2024-09-16T05:51:20+0000