0% natural sea water to gently clean the nose and mucous membranes of the babies from 0 to 3 years .
Its use is indicated for daily nose hygiene , clear the nose of excessive secretions, moisturize the mucosa, and prevent colds, sinusitis, ear infections ...
It helps children to learn more easily to blow your nose.
-Very soft spray.
-Safety mouthpiece.
Consejo técnico
Per una pulizia più approfondita, adagiare il bambino da 0 a 2 anni o in posizione seduta a partire dai 2 anni. Inclina la testa di lato e spruzza per due secondi in ciascuna narice. Pulisci il bocchino dopo ciascuno con acqua e sapone e lascialo asciugare.
1005 acqua di mare filtrata naturale senza conservanti, con sali minerali e tracce di olielementi marini come zinco, rame, manganese, ferro, magnesio e selenio.
How to use
Spruzzare brevemente una o due volte in ciascuna narice
Può essere utilizzato dalle 2 alle 6 volte al giorno.
https://www.mifarma.co.uk/sterimar-baby-hygiene-and-welfare-sea-water-physiological-100-ml634232188894Stérimar baby hygiene and welfare sea water physiological 100 ml<p><b>0% natural sea water</b> to gently clean the nose and mucous membranes of the <b>babies from 0 to 3 years</b> .</p><p> Its use is indicated for <b>daily nose hygiene</b> , clear the nose of excessive secretions, moisturize the mucosa, and prevent colds, sinusitis, ear infections ...</p><p> It helps children to learn more easily to blow your nose.</p><p> -Very soft spray.</p><p> -Safety mouthpiece.</p><p><br></p>https://assets.atida.com/transform/b2672468-b022-479e-ac72-6aaa115d52a1/Sterimar-Bebe-Higiene-y-Bienestar-Fisiologica-de-Agua-de-Mar-100-ml?io=transform:extend,width:250,height:25010.99instock10.999.082643628099200Sterimarhttps://www.mifarma.co.uk/media/catalog/product/e/b/4/3/eb43704f0838b2f31d4708a94ce8f74cc70f0043_Product_Tile_Thumbnail_Sterimar_Bebe_Higiene_y_Bienestar_Fisiologica_de_Agua_de_Mar_100_ml.png/Atida Cash 5%/Nasal Hygiene/Cleaning/Wellness/Black Friday/Up to 70% off during Black Friday/cyber_monday_pt_int/10% atida10 Shopping/No VAT Days 21%/Mifarma Days NO/Mifarma Days2024-09-16T06:07:23+0000