Its intake reports beneficial effects for the body:
- Digestive and carminative properties.
- It contributes to the proper functioning of the respiratory system thanks to its expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic powers of the respiratory tract.
- Antioxidant properties that protect cells from oxidative damage. Natural Oregano Infusion 25 gr<p><strong>Soria Natural Oregano Infusion 25gr</strong>
</p><p>Infusion based on Origanum vulgare L. (Oregano).
</p><p>Its intake reports beneficial effects for the body:
</p><p>- Digestive and carminative properties.
</p><p>- It contributes to the proper functioning of the respiratory system thanks to its expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic powers of the respiratory tract.
</p><p>- Antioxidant properties that protect cells from oxidative damage.
</p><p>- Contributes to improving circulation.
</p>,width:250,height:2501.99instock1.991.809089909090900Soria Natural and Infusions/Special Promotion2024-10-24T00:21:22+0000