
Soria Natural Fennel Seeds 100 gr

Soria Natural - Bag - 100 g
2.99 £ / 100 g

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Product details

  • Description

    Soria Natural Fennel Seeds 100gr

    Infusion based on Foeniculum vulgare Mill (Fennel).

    Its intake reports beneficial effects:

    - Powerful antimicrobial and antipyretic effects.

    - Digestive and analgesic powers.

    - Contains vitamins B3, A, B6, B9 (Folic Acid) and C.

    - Rich source of minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium.

  • Key details

  • Composition

    Foeniculum vulgare Mill Contiene olio essenziale, ricco di anetolo, estragolo e carburi terpenici (fenchone).
  • How to use

    Versare un cucchiaino di infuso per tazza, aggiungere acqua calda, lasciare riposare 5 minuti e filtrare.

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