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Singuladerm XpertSun Essential bottle 200 ml SPF30

Singuladerm - Cream - 200 ml
9 £ / 100 ml

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Product details

  • Description

    Singuladerm XpertSun Essential bottle 200 ml

    Ultralight fluid promotes the prevention and repair of sun skin damage preserves the health of the skin of the face and body.

    It contains a combo of molecular photodynamic filters that provide maximum protection coverage (PA +++)

    - First sun exposure.
    - As an alternative to an index of 50 or 40.
    - Conditions of moderate heat stroke.
    - Sun resistant skins.
    - Perfume intolerance.

    Consejo técnico
    È sconsigliato esporsi direttamente al sole nelle ore centrali della giornata. Le scottature solari possono essere pericolose.
  • Key details

    • Product type Cream
    • Unit price 9 £ / 100 ml
    • Brand Singuladerm
    • PVP 23,85
  • Composition

    Juvefoxo, Thermostressine, Preventhelia, Lipochroman, Delisens, Telangyn, Chromabright, Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, Octocrylene, Butyl, Metossidibenzoilmetano, Fenilbenzimidazolo acido solfonico
  • How to use

    Applicare sulla pelle asciutta 30 minuti prima dell'esposizione al sole. Riapplicare ogni 2 ore o dopo ogni bagno.

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