Applicare una piccola quantità di prodotto sulla zona interessata e quindi risciacquare con abbondante acqua o rimuovere con una salvietta igienica intima. intimate TT 75ml<p>Cream for daily intimate hygiene made with vitamin E and tea tree oil.</p><p> The high percentage of vitamin E, with moisturizing, soothing and protective effect, helps to contrast the dryness and to prevent skin irritation.</p><p> The essential oil of melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree Oil) favors the antimicrobial action.</p><p> Recommended for all women, including girls, who suffer from alterations of the flora vaginal bacterin.</p><p> This cream respects the physiological pH vulvar.</p><p> Contains no preservatives, colors or surfactants to minimize the risk of allergies.</p><h3 id= w_modo-de-empleo > <b>How to use</b></h3><p> Apply a small amount of product in the area are interested in and then rinse the area thoroughly with water or remove with a wipe of intimate hygiene.</p><h3 id= w_composiciahn > <b>Composition</b></h3><p> Vitamin E and Tea Tree Oil.</p><p><br></p>,width:250,height:25012.99instock14.6310.735536190083111.64VEA and Hygiene/Female Care/Daily Hygiene/Mini Prices/Health and Hygiene/Health and Hygiene/Female Care/No VAT Days 21%2024-09-16T05:55:42+0000