The Alpenkraft infusion is made from plantain, thyme, fennel and Iceland lichen that contribute to the health of the respiratory tract, as well as licorice root, marshmallow and mallow.
In the preparation of this infusion, exclusively the most select parts of the plant have been used.
Suitable from 4 years old.
Does not contain lactose or gluten.
15 infusions.
Consejo técnico
Questa infusione è indicata nei casi di disturbi delle vie respiratorie.
Erba di piantaggine (30%), radice di liquirizia, erba di timo (20%), frutti di finocchio amaro (10%), foglie di altea, lichene islandico, fiori di malva.
How to use
Mettere la busta in una tazza e versare circa 150 ml di acqua bollente.
Lasciare riposare dai 5 ai 10 minuti e poi togliere il sacchetto.
- Adulti e bambini dai 4 anni: bere da 4 a 6 tazze di infuso appena preparato al giorno. Herbal Infusion Alpenkraft 15 units<p><strong>Salus Alpenkraft Herbal Infusion 15 units</strong>
</p><p>The Alpenkraft infusion is made from plantain, thyme, fennel and Iceland lichen that contribute to the health of the respiratory tract, as well as licorice root, marshmallow and mallow.
</p><p>In the preparation of this infusion, exclusively the most select parts of the plant have been used.
</p><p>Suitable <strong>from 4 years old.</strong>
</p><p>Does not contain lactose or gluten.
</p><p>15 infusions.
</p>,width:250,height:2505.99instock5.995.445453545454500Salus and Infusions/No VAT Days 10%2024-10-30T00:51:01+0000