Natal 400grams<p><a href= >Nutribén</a> designed for situations in which it is not possible to breastfeed.</p><p> It has a pleasant taste and dissolves easily</p><p> Adapted to all the recommendations of the ESPGHAN.</p><p> Suitable for <span style= text-decoration: underline; >newborn children</span> and until their sixth month.</p><p> Promotes the development of the baby s immune system.</p><p> It participates in the growth and development of the intestinal tract, improving and regulating its daily traffic.</p><p> Regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and achieves the proper oxidation of AGPICL for obtaining energy.</p>,width:250,height:25012.99instock12.9911.80908990909100Nutribén Milks/Mini Prices/No VAT Days 10%2024-09-16T06:13:45+0000