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Product details
Pediasure Teen Balance brings you an advanced vanilla-flavored nutritional supplement, specifically designed to meet the needs of energetic teenagers aged 11 to 16.
Recognizing the importance of a balanced diet during these years of growth and development.
Pediasure Teen Balance provides 8 g of protein per serving , encouraging muscle strengthening and optimal physical development .
Its unique formula is enriched with:
- Vitamin K , essential for blood clotting and maintaining strong bones.
- Iron , which plays a fundamental role in cognitive development and brain function.
- Vitamin D , to support the immune system.
Perfect for those young people who are always on the move and need to stay nourished, energized and ready for any challenge.
Consejo técnico
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. -
Key details
- Product type Dust
- Unit price 39.98 £ / 1 kg
- Brand Pediasure
- PVP 20,63
Gehydrolyseerd maïszetmeel, sucrose, plantaardige oliën (zonnebloem met hoog oliezuurgehalte, koolzaadolie, maïs), MELKeiwitconcentraat, maltodextrine, SOJA-eiwitisolaat, mineralen (tribasisch calciumfosfaat, kaliumcitraat, calciumcarbonaat, magnesiumchloride, monobasisch kaliumfosfaat, dibasisch kalium fosfaat, dibasisch magnesiumfosfaat, natriumcitraat, kaliumchloride, natriumchloride, ijzersulfaat, zinksulfaat, mangaansulfaat, kopersulfaat, kaliumjodide, chroomchloride, natriumseleniet, natriummolybdaat), cacaopoeder, FOS7, aroma, cholinechloride, DHA8 uit Schizochytrium sp microalgenolie. (MELKeiwitten), emulgator: SOJAlecithine, L-arginine, vitaminen (C, K2, E, niacinamide, calciumpantothenaat, B6, B1, B2, vitamine A-palmitaat, foliumzuur, fylloquinon, D3, biotine, B12), myo -inositol, antioxidanten (E304, E306), taurine, carnitinetartraat. GLUTENVRIJ. -
How to use
Read the instructions on the bottle carefully.