Juanola Propolis honeymoon, zinc, vitamin C and ivy extract are some soft pills with pleasant taste of honey and lemon.
Made with natural extracts, combined the effect of propolis (60 mg / pill) extract, the extract of Hedera helix (5 mg / pill), honey (mg / pill), vitamin C (6 mg / pill) and zinc (0.8 mg / pill).
They help to soften throat naturally due to the effect on the mucous bucogfaringea to suck them.
How to use
Take a soft tablet when you want to soften the throat.
Sweetener: sorbitol, maltitol, sucralose and acesulfame potassium; syrup syrup gelling agent: Arabian gum; extract of propolis (3%); acidifier: citric acid, extract of leaves of Ivy (0.6%); aromas, honey (0.5%), L-Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) (0.3%); zinc citrate; turmeric root extract and coating agent: carnauba wax.
Son unas pastillas de goma, asi que se pueden masticar cuando te cansas de ellas. Son bastante efectivas y alivian la garganta.
Ademas si las pillas de oferta salen muy bien de precio
Su sabor muy agradable y suavizan la garganta irritada.
Agradables en boca y al ser de goma sin peligro de hacerte cortes en la lengua.
Las pastillas son blandas por lo que las puedes masticar sin que se rompan y asi te calman mas la garganta. Lo he notado muho en estos dias de entretiempo en los que los resfriados estan en auge. Gracias
Buen sabor y son las unicas pastillas para la tos k me calman, ni jatabes ni nada
https://www.mifarma.co.uk/juanola-ivy-honey-propolis-zinc-vit-c-taste-honey-lemon-24-soft-pills795988945865Juanola Ivy honey Propolis Zinc Vit C taste honey lemon 24 soft pills<p>Juanola Propolis honeymoon, zinc, vitamin C and ivy extract are some soft pills with pleasant taste of honey and lemon.</p><p> Made with natural extracts, combined the effect of propolis (60 mg / pill) extract, the extract of Hedera helix (5 mg / pill), honey (mg / pill), vitamin C (6 mg / pill) and zinc (0.8 mg / pill).</p><p> They help to soften throat naturally due to the effect on the mucous bucogfaringea to suck them.</p><h3 id= w_modo-de-empleo > <b>How to use</b></h3><p> Take a soft tablet when you want to soften the throat.</p><h3 id= w_composiciahn > <b>Composition</b></h3><p> Sweetener: sorbitol, maltitol, sucralose and acesulfame potassium; syrup syrup gelling agent: Arabian gum; extract of propolis (3%); acidifier: citric acid, extract of leaves of Ivy (0.6%); aromas, honey (0.5%), L-Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) (0.3%); zinc citrate; turmeric root extract and coating agent: carnauba wax.</p>https://assets.atida.com/transform/73ad60ec-e2c7-4d78-adc9-dd077936fffc/Juanola-Propolis-Hiedra-Miel-Zinc-Vit-C-Sabor-Miel-Limon-24-Pastillas-Blandas?io=transform:extend,width:250,height:2506.99instock6.996.354544454545500Juanolahttps://www.mifarma.co.uk/media/catalog/product/6/b/2/a/6b2a99c1774c7e1e7fbcc58be8a0a7e61d58aad6_Product_Tile_Thumbnail_Juanola_Propolis_Hiedra_Miel_Zinc_Vit_C_Sabor_Miel_Limon_24_Pastillas_Bl.png/Respiratory System/No VAT Days 10%2024-09-16T06:16:55+0000