
Flavor cod liver oil lemon Möller complete 250 ml

Moller's - Bottle - 250 ml
10 £ / 100 ml

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Product details

  • Description

    EPA and DHA fatty acids contribute to the normal functioning of the heart.

    Vitamin D promotes the normal functioning of the immune system and bones in normal maintenance. In addition, it is a vitamin needed for normal bones in children s growth and development.

    Vitamin A contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and the maintenance of normal vision.

    Vitamin E protects cells against oxidative damage.

    Cod liver oil by Moller s is especially rich in the fatty acid omega-3 DHA, which helps to maintain the normal functioning of the brain and the view.

    Consejo técnico
    Una volta aperto, si consiglia di conservarlo in frigorifero per un massimo di 3 mesi.
  • Key details

    • Product type Bottle
    • Unit price 10 £ / 100 ml
    • Brand Moller's
    • PVP 24,99
  • Composition

    Olio di fegato di merluzzo, aroma naturale (limone), acetato di DL-alfa-tocoferile (vitamina E), antiossidante (estratto ricco di tocoferolo).
  • How to use

    Adulti e bambini sopra i 3 anni: assumere 5 ml al giorno (un cucchiaio da dessert).

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