EPA and DHA fatty acids contribute to the normal functioning of the heart.
Vitamin D promotes the normal functioning of the immune system and bones in normal maintenance. In addition, it is a vitamin needed for normal bones in children s growth and development.
Vitamin A contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and the maintenance of normal vision.
Vitamin E protects cells against oxidative damage.
Cod liver oil by Moller s is especially rich in the fatty acid omega-3 DHA, which helps to maintain the normal functioning of the brain and the view.
Consejo técnico
Una volta aperto, si consiglia di conservarlo in frigorifero per un massimo di 3 mesi.
https://www.mifarma.co.uk/flavor-cod-liver-oil-lemon-moller-complete-250-ml602881430350Flavor cod liver oil lemon Möller complete 250 ml<p>EPA and DHA fatty acids contribute to the normal functioning of the heart.</p><p> Vitamin D promotes the normal functioning of the immune system and bones in normal maintenance. In addition, it is a vitamin needed for normal bones in children s growth and development.</p><p> Vitamin A contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and the maintenance of normal vision.</p><p> Vitamin E protects cells against oxidative damage.</p><p> <b>Cod liver oil by Moller s</b> is especially rich in the fatty acid omega-3 DHA, which helps to maintain the normal functioning of the brain and the view.</p>https://assets.atida.com/transform/46aa2f2c-5af2-4438-817e-51f57145a308/Aceite-de-Higado-de-Bacalao-Sabor-Limon-Moller-s-250ml?io=transform:extend,width:250,height:25024.99instock24.9922.71818081818200Moller'shttps://www.mifarma.co.uk/media/catalog/product/c/e/4/a/ce4a5e9b9dc08c2f13c27204c22d1c527bc05ddd_Product_Tile_Thumbnail_Aceite_de_Higado_de_Bacalao_Sabor_Limon_Moller_s_250ml.png/Feeding/Feeding/Oil and Vinegar/No VAT Days 10%2024-09-16T06:05:45+0000