Medical product. There are many cases of people who wear dentures and are afraid to eat or smile for fear that they will come off or move.
Well, this adhesive is designed to last up to 12 hours without moving or rubbing, and it also prevents food debris from accumulating.
Ideal for those people who use false teeth.
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Pulisci la bocca e la protesi prima di utilizzarla. Applicare una piccola quantità sulla protesi, non troppo vicino ai bordi. Posiziona la protesi con l'adesivo in bocca, premi per qualche secondo e attendi 15 minuti prima di mangiare o bere. Conservare in un luogo fresco e asciutto e fuori dalla portata dei bambini. Superadhesive 40 grMedical product. There are many cases of people who wear dentures and are afraid to eat or smile for fear that they will come off or move.
Well, this adhesive is designed to last up to 12 hours without moving or rubbing, and it also prevents food debris from accumulating.
Ideal for those people who use false teeth.,width:250,height:2507.99instock10.317.2636353636364232.32Dentaid Care/No VAT Days 10%2024-10-21T23:44:11+0000
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