Sterile wipes single doses impregnated with a cleansing lotion for the hygiene of the eyelids, eyelashes and eyelid margin.
In addition to their high cleansing power, they provide the moisturizing, antiseptic and healing properties of Aloe vera, and the decongestant and calming properties of Sambucus extract. nigra.
For periocular cleaning in inflammatory and infectious processes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis...).
They are also suitable for periocular hygiene before and after surgical interventions.
Salvietta sterile impregnata con: acqua, estratto di aloe barbadensis, capriloil glicina, polisorbato 20, polossamero 184, fosfato di sodio, fosfato disodico, idrossido di sodio, estratto di sambucus nigra, EDTA disodico, acido ascorbico, benzoato di sodio, sorbato di potassio, solfito di sodio, acido citrico . Testato sotto controllo dermatologico, pediatrico e oftalmologico.
How to use
Lavarsi le mani con sapone e risciacquare abbondantemente. Aprire la busta ed estrarre la salvietta imbevuta.
Igiene di palpebre e ciglia : Con gli occhi chiusi, applicare la salvietta sulla palpebra con un leggero massaggio cercando di sciogliere e trascinare via eventuali residui aderiti.
Igiene del margine palpebrale : arrotolare la salvietta in un tubo e passarla delicatamente sul bordo della palpebra.
Ripeti la stessa procedura per l'altro occhio usando una nuova salvietta. Eyelid and Eyelash Wipes 10 units<p><strong>Sterile wipes</strong> single doses impregnated with a cleansing lotion for the hygiene of the eyelids, eyelashes and eyelid margin.
</p><p>In addition to their high cleansing power, they provide the <strong>moisturizing, antiseptic and healing properties</strong> of Aloe vera, and the <strong>decongestant and calming</strong> properties of Sambucus extract. nigra.
</p><p>For periocular cleaning in inflammatory and infectious processes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis...).
</p><p>They are also suitable for periocular hygiene <strong>before and after surgical interventions.</strong>
</p><p>Recommended for babies, children and adults.
</p><p>10 units.
</p>,width:250,height:2508.99instock9.687.429751066115770.69Estila and Hygiene/Eye Drops and Physiological Serums/Health and Hygiene/No VAT Days 21%/Mifarma Days NO2024-10-24T00:51:57+0000