Bach flower essence formulated to take advantage of all the benefits of the crab apple, known as the flower of cleansing.
Bach flowers act on people with nerves or anxiety, calming and calming them.
They are associated with different moods depending on the person, improving their internal balance. This Bach Flower based on wild apple is recommended in cases of low self-esteem, feeling dirty or impure.
Soluzione acquosa di Malus pumila, alcool d'uva. Senza glutine. Senza lattosio.
How to use
- Preparazione semplice: diluire 2 gocce in un bicchiere d'acqua e bere a sorsi intervallati. Oppure aggiungere 2 gocce in un flacone contagocce da 30 ml con acqua e assumere 4 gocce, almeno 4 volte al giorno.
- Preparazione del composto: Aggiungere 2 gocce di ogni fiore (massimo 7 fiori) in un contagocce da 30 ml e assumere come sopra indicato. Flowers 10 Crab Apple 20 ml<p><strong>Bach Flowers 10 Crab Apple 20ml</strong>
</p><p>Bach flower essence formulated to take advantage of all the benefits of the crab apple, known as the flower of cleansing.
</p><p>Bach flowers act on people with nerves or anxiety, calming and calming them.
</p><p>They are associated with different moods depending on the person, improving their internal balance. This Bach Flower based on wild apple is recommended in cases of low self-esteem, feeling dirty or impure.
</p><p>Small-sized, transportable container.
</p><p>Gluten or lactose free.
</p>,width:250,height:25014.99instock14.9912.38842875206600Flores de Bach Remedies/Herbal Remedies/Aromatherapy/No VAT Days 21%2024-11-05T01:28:44+0000
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