Ear hygiene spray that cleans the ears and prevents the formation of earwax plugs.
100 % purified sea water.
In a simple and effective gesture, it softens and dissolves earwax.
Its regular use prevents the formation of wax plugs.
It is a 100% natural product, and it is the safest alternative to cotton swabs.
Indicated from the age of 12.
Consejo técnico
In caso di dubbi o dolori prima di utilizzare il prodotto consultare il medico o il farmacista. Se il tappo di cerume si è già formato, l'utilizzo di Audispray Adult potrebbe provocarne il rigonfiamento provocando qualche fastidio. Non utilizzare in caso di otite, anamnesi medica o chirurgica a livello dell'orecchio o del timpano.
https://www.mifarma.co.uk/audispray-adults-50-ml244408345855AudiSpray Adults 50 ml<p><strong>Ear hygiene spray</strong> that cleans the ears and prevents the formation of earwax plugs.</p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">100 % purified sea water.<br></span></p><p>In a simple and effective gesture, it softens and dissolves earwax.
</p><p>Its regular use prevents the formation of <span style="font-weight: bold;">wax plugs.
</span></p><p>It is a 100% natural product, </span>and it is the safest alternative to cotton swabs.
</p><p>Indicated <strong>from the age of 12.</strong></p>https://assets.atida.com/transform/7e330e76-e3d2-4986-bc2f-0831be90468c/AudiSpray-Adultos-50-ml?io=transform:extend,width:250,height:25010.99instock12.29.0826436280992101.21AudiSprayhttps://www.mifarma.co.uk/media/catalog/product/8/d/6/b/8d6b4a576fff3e73ed6f7ba3279afc145d80b2e3_Product_Tile_Thumbnail_AudiSpray_Adultos_50_ml.png/Health and Hygiene/Nose and Ears/Cleaning/Health and Hygiene/Health and Hygiene/Nose and Ears/No VAT Days 21%2024-10-18T23:43:01+0000