The Argan (Argania spinosa) oil comes from the fruits of a tree that only grows in the semi-desert areas of the southwest of Morocco, Argan.
Looking thin and Golden, it contains a unique composition which gives exceptional cosmetic qualities by which is also known as "Liquid gold of Morocco".
Arkoesencial Argan oil is an oil that is extracted by first pressing cold, 0% pure and unrefined, which guarantees maximum quality.
Method of use:
Applied daily, it exerts an effect anti-aging, as well as moisturize and repair skin, helping it to recover its luminosity and reduce fine lines.
Their results in the hair are equally exceptional leaving it soft, shiny, nourished and prevents split ends.
Consejo técnico
Applicato quotidianamente, ha un effetto antietà, oltre a idratare e riparare la pelle, aiutandola a ritrovare la sua luminosità e ad attenuare le rughe d'espressione. I suoi risultati sui capelli sono altrettanto eccezionali, lasciandoli morbidi, lucenti, nutriti e prevenendo le doppie punte.
Applicare sulla zona da trattare (viso, corpo, capelli). Può essere utilizzato puro o aggiunto in piccola quantità al trattamento cosmetico abituale (crema, shampoo, maschera). Evitare l'esposizione al sole con il prodotto sulla pelle.
El mejor tratamiento nutritivo para el pelo y la piel del cuerpo. Cunde bastante.
Tengo el pelo muy seco de usar a diario planchas y secador y he probado todo tipo de productos para hidratarlo y sin lugar a dudas este es el mejor. Me echo todas las noches un poco de aceite en los medios y puntas y al día siguiente me lo lavo. No podría estar más hidratado y lo más importante es que no engrasa. 100% recomendado
Me ha encantado la textura no grasa y la enorme hidratación que produce.
Me lo pongo en el pelo para el encrespado y en la cara y me va genial, sobre todo para el pelo!!
Este producto deja la piel muy suave y nada grasienta, y la aplicacion en spray es muy comoda. essential 30 ml Argan oil<p><b>Arko essential 30 ml Argan oil</b></p><p> The Argan (Argania spinosa) oil comes from the fruits of a tree that only grows in the semi-desert areas of the southwest of Morocco, Argan.</p><p> Looking thin and Golden, it contains a unique composition which gives exceptional cosmetic qualities by which is also known as "Liquid gold of Morocco".</p><p> <b>Arkoesencial Argan oil</b> is an oil that is extracted by first pressing cold, 0% pure and unrefined, which guarantees maximum quality.</p><p> <b>Method of use:</b></p><p> Applied daily, it exerts an effect anti-aging, as well as moisturize and repair skin, helping it to recover its luminosity and reduce fine lines.</p><p> Their results in the hair are equally exceptional leaving it soft, shiny, nourished and prevents split ends.</p>,width:250,height:25014.99instock22.812.388428752066347.81Arkopharma Atida Cash/Essential Oils/Atida Cash 5%/No VAT Days 21%/Mifarma Days NO/Mifarma Days2024-09-16T06:27:44+0000