Products - Vichy - Sales

Vichy is a fully consolidated brand within the market of cosmetics and skin care. Its eighty years of history position it as a benchmark in this sector.

One of the great advantages of this brand is its wide range of products, which covers the skin care of men and women and includes a solution for all the needs of different skin types, including treatments for the face, hair, body, sun protection or makeup. The constant work in innovation of the Vichy laboratories has made possible the treatment of each type of epidermis with all the guarantees of success.

Vichy products

Hydration, protection and nutrition to achieve the perfect balance of the epidermis and its regeneration are the goal of Vichy products.

As a result of its research, nowadays we can find in the market innovative ranges of cosmetics created by the brand, such as Neovariol, which through a diagnosis of advanced skin manage to create a personalized treatment routine for each type or skin problem.

It is also worth highlighting the range of Normadem treatments, with an important purifying action since they are designed for a deep cleaning of the epidermis , which is essential for the health of the skin and its preparation for proper makeup.

For its part, Vichy serums are another of the strengths of this brand. They are applied before the face cream and are essential to achieve an intense and fully effective face care. Idealia (with a great moisturizing power), Lifactive (to repair and maintain the skin in good condition) or Vichy Novariol Magistral (rich in Omega 3 and Omega 9 for mature skin) are three of the most outstanding serums of the brand.

Likewise, we can not forget the Vichy Neovariol range, a range of cosmetics designed to rejuvenate the woman's face and provide the necessary firmness , both in the neck and in the facial oval and cheekbones . Finally, the Idealia line is made up of different night creams whose main ingredient is kombucha, able to transform the skin and give it a uniform, smooth and smooth appearance.

Of course, Vichy does not forget about hair treatment and that's why she offers her Dercos range, specialized in the treatment of any hair and scalp problem.